
Showing posts from February, 2024

Eye cream convert: AHC Ten Revolution Real Eye Cream for Face (first impressions)

I was very much of the opinion that eye cream was an unnecessary step. I'd tried a few drugstore eye creams that were unremarkable in every way so that confirmed my opinion. I'm happy to say I was wrong about eye cream! I just needed the right eye cream. I will add, this doesn't mean you need an eye cream but I definitely wish I'd converted sooner. What converted me? It started off as a why not kind of situation. I'd stopped using actives for a bit and even though I've since restarted, I've always had a really stubborn line under my right eye that's becomes more noticeable without retinal but is constant regardless of whether I use actives or not. Also, and just because I can use actives daily, I don't necessarily want to do so because it is extra steps and they could potentially contribute to additional dryness. Plus I often find it boring to keep using the same products as I enjoy trying new things That being said, I do very much enjoy the new M...