The Sleep Crease Saga Continued
But with positive results! Yes, this demands a slightly clickbaity beginning and spoiling the ending at the start because it's exciting when things start working :) And it's doubly excellent when one's skincare suppositions are proved correct. Texture is key (but not only that) In my last post on moisturiser texture, I talked about the dramatic effects from Whoo's Cheongidan cream on my worsening sleep creases. I clearly toss and turn during the night and now my skin becomes furrowed between the bottom of my eyebag and top of my cheekbone. Not so much on the left side but the right, which - to add insult to injury - has much deeper fine lines under my eyes as well. I could get one of those body pillows but I prefer not to do so and I can't sleep on my back due to snoring. Given the Whoo's cream helps reduce the creases, there's clearly something that works that doesn't involve me changing my sleeping arrangements. But of course the full size is not on...