First impressions: Kose Sekkisei Medicated Cream
Some purchases I spend ages deliberating over and some I just pick up randomly, on a whim or because of a recommendation. I think Sekkisei was a recc from AB Muse and it was a great choice for me. This is a truly delightful product, fragrance aside, and could be the ideal day moisturiser, although it seems like it may break me out. I say may break me out because it could be user error. Cost $3ish for 6g, mini pots from TK. Although I'm pretty sure it's out of stock now. Packaging It's a jar, my least favourite cream packaging but what can you do. A jar is probably the best packaging for a cream, given you can be sure you've used it to the last drop, although a squeeze tube is just easier in my opinion. Pretty much everything comes in jars and a squeeze tube for a gel cream is probably madness because how would you consistently squeeze out the right amount and also I often don't pay attention to how much I'm squeezing, resulting in using too much. My face do...