Shopping My Stash: Sooryehan Chunsam Radiant White Cream

I wanted the Sooryehan Chunsam Sanghwang Regenerating Cream and TK/SJ had run out of the 10ml pots.

It's tricky to get hold of any of the Chunsam products (full sizes anyway) in the UK so when I saw the Chunsam gift set with a 20ml tube of the cream, I had to have it for reasons of sleep creases:

The set, however, has four other 20ml tubes - on the one hand, it's exciting because that's four other Sooryehan products to use. On the other, *sigh* because I didn't want those products in the first place.

I've been testing them out, slowly, and I have thoughts.

Sooryehan Chunsam Radiant White Cream

Format: 20ml tube

Test: AM cream 

Texture and Fragrance 

It's a gel cream generally with a oil application feeling so it goes in the gel to oil category.

It's not quite as solidly in this bracket as the Missha Chogongjin Youngan Jin Cream or the Whoo Jinyulhyang Cream, because it is lighter than those.

Missha review:

However, it has the unmistakable oil finish and takes a while to dry so it's only slightly more acceptable as an AM product than the Missha itself.

Worth noting that it has a more dense structure than a lot of light gel creams whilst still remaining lightweight.

The fragrance, however, is great! It smells like lemon puff biscuits to me.

I don't know if they're at all common any more but they used to be a thing in the UK.

And I don't know if it actually smells of those biscuits - as in if the lemony biscuity fragrance is just what I think a lemon cream biscuit would smell like or if it really does smell like those biscuits but it is exactly what it reminds me of.

It's quite enjoyable and super nostalgic, whilst being a bit weird as it feels like I'm rubbing mashed up biscuit cream on my face even though it's not mashed biscuit texture.


Yes, it can replace an emulsion or cream AM.

Conveniently tube packaged, which means I am more likely to use it now it's in my rotation.

It's had a pretty good test, given I didn't think I would use it at all.

The cream to oil factor is annoying, as it takes a while to dry.

Although none of the cream to oil products are sticky, it gives me the impression of stickiness because I know it takes time to dry.

For a PM routine, that's not actually an issue because slapping the Isa Knox Polynoid cream on top seems to work fine. Those two together, in fact, does alright as a PM cream duo.

However, I don't want to mess up my sunscreen application by putting it on something that hasn't yet dried.

It is ok on a work day because I'll have breakfast before applying sunscreen so it'll definitely be dry by then.

The Whoo Cheonyuldan emulsion or Kose Sekkisei Medicated Cream are far superior when I'm wanting to apply sunscreen immediately after my routine, as both dry almost instantly.

Sekkisei review:

I vastly prefer this kind of shrink-wrap instant-dry product generally as it means less fannying around and no oily feeling for summer.

Sometimes I also tend to run out of time AM on a work day so end up applying sunscreen once I've got to work, rather than actually applying it after breakfast. This is fine in winter in the UK because the UV levels are very low but not so good for summer when we might hit 2-3 even when I'm leaving the house at 7.30am.

My point being, though, is that I'd rather apply my sunscreen before breakfast so whilst this cream does fine in terms of moisturising, it doesn't hit my usual shrink-wrap preferences.

I've been tending to do the following routine recently (at 6.30am):

  • Decorte Hydra Clarity Softener (a couple of layers)
  • Sooryehan The Black Serum
  • Isa Knox Prime Age Focus Wrinkle for All Serum
  • Sooryehan Chunsam Radiant White Cream
  • Later: CNP Sunquid

This is super quick to apply (drying time of the Chunsam notwithstanding) and surprisingly moisturising despite the cold snap we're having right now. By late morning, my skin is crying out for a bit more love and actually, one application of sunscreen about lunch time (when I'm going out of the office) is totally fine.

It is surprising because the CNP is incredibly lightweight but it adds whatever it adds (hydration?) and it's fine.

I will say, despite my annoyance with the cream to oil finish of the Chunsam and lack of immediate drying, the general time saving is a big benefit


I will use it up because of the convenient tube and then forget I ever tried it.

I've got the Missha which is easy to get hold of and is more occlusive, plus cheap!

The Chunsam not in any way bad product but the texture isn't for me - gel to oils are my least favourite texture in all honesty, although this one is the best (better than the Whoo I'd say, for my preferences anyway).

If I felt the need to get one of these sets again, I wouldn't have any issues using it up - I thought it would be the product I'd like the least out of the set and even if that ends up being true, it's still pretty good!


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